Case studies

Here are some examples of the strategies and executions I have done for clients. If you would like specific examples of work, please email me.

  • Client: Prelove Rent-a-Rack, Adelaide
    Industry: Retail
    Challenge: Increasing customer base and sales for a new store

    Prelove, a rent-a-rack business in Adelaide, was six months into the opening of a new store. Despite various efforts, the owner found that focusing solely on immediate sales wasn't yielding sustainable results. The challenge was to attract and nurture potential clients rather than just aiming for instant sales.

    The Problem

    Many businesses, including Prelove, tend to overlook the importance of nurturing potential clients. The assumption is often that attracting them is enough to make a sale. However, it typically takes at least 7-10 interactions with a brand before a customer decides to make a purchase. Therefore, building trust and nurturing relationships is crucial.

    Our Solution

    With the need to focus on nurturing potential clients in mind, we developed a comprehensive lead generation strategy aimed at growing Prelove’s email list and converting those leads through email marketing and paid advertising.

    Key Actions:

    1. High-Value Competition:

      • Launched a competition where participants had to use their email addresses to enter.

    2. Content Plan:

      • Created a content plan to enhance brand awareness and demonstrate how Prelove solves customer problems.

    3. Nurture Sequence:

      • Designed a series of nurturing emails for competition entrants, aimed at making them aware of their problems and Prelove's solutions.

    4. Compelling Offer:

      • Sent out an attractive offer to everyone who entered the competition after it concluded.

    Implementation Details:

    • Email Collection: The competition required participants to enter their email addresses, which helped in building a substantial email list quickly.

    • Content Strategy: The content plan included blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters focused on brand awareness and customer problem-solving.

    • Nurture Sequence: The email nurture sequence consisted of informative emails, testimonials, case studies, and soft sales pitches.

    • Post-Competition Offer: Once the competition ended, a special offer was sent to all entrants, encouraging them to make a purchase.


    The lead generation and nurturing strategy yielded impressive results within a short period:

    • Email List Growth: Collected 345 email addresses in just 3 days.

    • Nurtured Leads: Built a database of potential clients who were regularly engaged through email.

    • Revenue Increase: Achieved $5,000 in bookings from email marketing campaigns alone within 30 days.

    • Website Traffic: Noticed a significant increase in traffic to the Prelove website.

    • Targeted Advertising: Utilized the email list to create a lookalike audience for more effective targeted ads.

    Continuous Improvement:

    To ensure a steady flow of new leads, we continued to grow the email list by offering a welcome discount to any new customers. This strategy not only helped in acquiring new leads but also provided an opportunity to nurture them for future sales.


    The success of Prelove's lead generation and nurturing strategy highlights the importance of building and maintaining relationships with potential clients. By focusing on long-term engagement rather than immediate sales, businesses can achieve sustainable growth and increased revenue.

  • Client: A successful macaron and cupcake maker
    Location: Regional tourist town
    Goal: To be recognised as a must-visit spot for tourists

    My client, a talented macaron and cupcake maker, aimed to position her business as a key tourist attraction in her regional town. She wanted tourists to see her shop as a must-stop destination during their travels.

    The Problem

    To achieve her goal, the client needed to refine her marketing strategy to attract and retain tourists. This required a comprehensive approach to build brand recognition and drive traffic to her shop.

    Our Solution

    We collaborated to create a tailored marketing strategy that would position her as a notable tourist spot.

    Key Actions:

    1. Ideal Client Persona:

      • Refined her ideal client persona to target tourists specifically.

    2. Travel Research:

      • Conducted research to identify peak travel times in the area, maximising marketing efforts during these periods.

    3. Key Messages:

      • Developed key messages highlighting why tourists should visit her shop.

    4. Tripadvisor Presence:

      • Created a Tripadvisor account to enhance her visibility among tourists.

      • Developed a strategy to increase positive reviews on Tripadvisor.

    5. SEO Strategy:

      • Implemented an SEO strategy to improve her ranking for relevant keywords, making it easier for tourists to find her business online.

    6. Content Plan:

      • Built a content plan showcasing her products and brand, focusing on attracting tourists.

    7. Digital Advertising:

      • Listed and advertised on digital publications popular among tourists.

      • Placed advertisements at the local Tourist Centre.

    8. Partnerships:

      • Researched and established partnerships with other local tourist operators to feature her products, enhancing her reach.


    The comprehensive marketing strategy led to significant improvements and positioned her business as a tourist hotspot:

    • Enhanced Visibility: Increased presence on Tripadvisor and improved search engine rankings.

    • Positive Reviews: Growth in positive reviews on Tripadvisor, boosting credibility.

    • Brand Awareness: More tourists became aware of her shop through strategic content and advertising.

    • Traffic Increase: Higher foot traffic from tourists during peak travel times.

    • Partnerships: Beneficial partnerships with local tourist operators, further promoting her business.


    By implementing a strategic marketing plan, we successfully positioned my client’s macaron and cupcake shop as a must-visit tourist destination. This case study underscores the importance of understanding your target audience and leveraging multiple marketing channels to achieve business goals.

  • Client: Allie, Professional Organiser and Declutterer
    Industry: Professional Organising
    Challenge: Achieving ambitious business goals through a clear marketing strategy

    Allie, a professional organiser and declutterer, had big goals and dreams but felt stuck on how to achieve them. She was concerned about being too ambitious and knew that a clear and concise marketing strategy would be essential to her success.

    The Problem

    Allie aimed to:

    • Explore opportunities in deceased estates and seniors downsizing.

    • Scale her business to increase the number of clients she worked with each week.

    She needed a comprehensive marketing strategy that would provide clarity and focus, enabling her to reach these goals.

    Our Solution

    Through my "Map Out Your Marketing" approach, we examined every aspect of Allie’s current marketing efforts. This included analysing her competitors, gaining a deeper understanding of her customers, and mapping out her customer’s journey. These foundations helped identify opportunities in her business and marketing to increase awareness and traffic.

    Key Actions:

    1. Market Opportunities:

      • Identified new opportunities with deceased estates and developed a targeted strategy to reach this market.

    2. Content Strategy:

      • Expanded her content efforts to include tips and space-saving solutions.

      • Highlighted her personalised service and sustainable, eco-friendly products.

    3. Follow-Up Strategy:

      • Developed a strategy to target clients who initially booked one room and followed up 60 days later.

      • Created a sense of urgency with limited availability to encourage further bookings.

    Implementation Details:

    • Competitor Analysis: Conducted a thorough analysis of Allie’s competitors to understand the market landscape.

    • Customer Insight: Delved into her customer profiles to tailor her marketing efforts more effectively.

    • Customer Journey Mapping: Mapped out the typical journey her customers take, from initial contact to final booking, to identify key touchpoints and opportunities for engagement.

    • Content Creation: Developed a content calendar with regular posts featuring tips, before-and-after transformations, and eco-friendly product highlights.

    • Targeted Campaigns: Launched targeted campaigns focusing on deceased estates and seniors downsizing, leveraging social media and email marketing.

    • Follow-Up System: Implemented an automated follow-up system to re-engage clients after initial bookings.


    The structured marketing strategy provided Allie with a clear direction and actionable steps to grow her business:

    • New Market Penetration: Successfully entered the deceased estates market with targeted strategies.

    • Content Engagement: Increased engagement through valuable content that resonated with her audience.

    • Client Retention: Improved client retention and repeat bookings through effective follow-up strategies.

    • Business Growth: Scaled her business by increasing the number of clients she worked with each week.


    By gaining clarity and focus through a tailored marketing strategy, Allie was able to unlock new opportunities and achieve her ambitious business goals. This case study highlights the importance of a comprehensive marketing plan that includes market analysis, customer understanding, and strategic content creation.